Working Principle of Solar Cell with Diagram in Hindi and English

Solar cells are at the core of this sustainable technology, which has emerged as a viable renewable source of energy. The incredible capacity of these gadgets to convert sunlight straight into power is amazing. In order to fully use solar energy, it is essential to comprehend how solar cells function. We explore the many components of solar cells, the photovoltaic effect, and how they produce clean energy from sunshine in this article as we dig into the intriguing world of solar cells.

The Working Principle of Solar Cells

The photovoltaic effect serves as the foundation for how solar cells function. A solar cell’s surface is exposed to light, which stimulates the material’s electrons, forcing them to migrate and generating an electric current. The processes in this process include absorption, separation, and collection.


Absorption is the initial stage of the procedure. The substance in the top layer of a solar cell absorbs sunlight when it comes in contact with its surface. Typically, silicon or another semiconductor substance makes up this layer.


After the light has been absorbed, the photons’ energy causes the material’s electrons to excite and move to a higher energy level. As a result, a region of positively charged holes and freely moving negatively charged electrons are produced in the material.


Collection is the process’s last stage. Within the cell, an electric field separates the negatively charged electrons from the positively charged holes, causing them to flow in opposing directions and producing an electric current. Metal contacts on the cell’s surface capture this current, which may be utilised to run electrical appliances.

Types of Solar Cells

Solar cells come in a variety of forms, each with special benefits and characteristics. The most typical varieties include:

  • Monocrystalline Silicon Solar Cells (मोनोक्रिस्टलाइन सिलिकॉन सौर सेल)
  • Polycrystalline Silicon Solar Cells (पॉलीक्रिस्टलाइन सिलिकॉन सौर सेल)
  • Thin-Film Solar Cells (पतली-फिल्म सौर सेल)
  • Concentrated PV Cells (संकेन्द्रित पीवी कोशिकाएँ)


Solar cells are interesting technologies that use the sun’s energy to produce electricity. There is a lot to learn about this cutting-edge technology, from the complex physics underlying the photovoltaic effect to the numerous varieties of solar cells that are accessible. Solar cells will likely be crucial in the future as we continue to look for cleaner, more sustainable energy sources.

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